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Play On!!

This is a sponsored campaign in collaboration with Nesquik and Latina Bloggers Connect. The opinions and text are all mine.

Part of coming from a big Latino family is always being ready to watch someones kids. We're all very busy, especially during the fall months, and there are days that our schedules get so turned around that we have to get support with the kids. Being in this family, you have to always be prepared to pick up the kids at school, to take them to an after school activity or to just watch over them for a few hours, at the drop of a dime. It's actually a very neat part about being in a large family, like I know that I can send Julius over or someone can cover for me when I need it too. I get to watch the older kids a few times a week and though the kids can't count on me for a home cooked meal, they can count on me to bring the snacks and drinks for a postgame snack. The kids love having their snack at the park, so they can continue to play and relax some more before heading home to do homework. Nestlé Nesquik Lowfat Milk Bottles are easy to pack for a recharging snack at the park. Of course they are a favorite in our house, we have been drinking Nesquik since we were little. Now the kids get to enjoy the delicious flavor of our favorite chocolate milk. But what I didn't know is how Nesquik is not just an easy way to give the kids the nutrition they need, it also helps them to restore tired muscles after a game. You learn something new everyday!
After a tough practice or game, studies suggest that low fat chocolate milk, like Nesquik, may contain the ideal 3:1 ratio of carbohydrates-to-protein that can help restore muscles. This right balance provides your athlete with the nourishment they need after a hard game. Nice!
Milk is also a better option to give the kids when compared to fruit juices and sports drinks. Protein is essential for a healthy and active lifestyle. Nesquik provides kids with 40% Daily Value for calcium and 8 grams of protein in every serving compared to zero grams in the leading sports and juice drinks.
That means...we can have more Nesquik more often! YASS!

Drink up kids, let's get those muscles restored! As the official chocolate milk of the American Youth Soccer Organization and US Youth Soccer, Nesquik is a trusted choice among parents and coaches while loved by kids.
After a nourishing snack, it's time to PLAY ON!

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