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03/13 in Instagram!


1) Experimenting with coloured contact lenses 2) I adopted an elephant! 3) Pretty flowers 4) Menorah at Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv 5) The stunning Dome of the Rock 6) Shattered birthday mugshot 7) The tomb of Mary (Mariam A.S), Mount of Olives 8) Arabic Calligraohy ring 9) Pizza & mint lemonade from Cafe Basti, Jerusalem 10) Bracelet display in Forever21 11) My first ever Midi dress! 12) The Western Wall, Jerusalem 13) Inside the Dome of the Rock 14) Windswept 15) Shuhada Street in Al Khalil, Hebron, West Bank 16) Sporting my Palestinan Bracelets with pride 17) Standard face of the day 18) Barry M's Gelly Nails in Greenberry & Pomegranate 19) Controversial water 20) Arabic calligraphy shawl 21) The Trafford Centre 22) My ridiculous ring collection 23) Khao Soi @ Tampopo 24) Trying on dresses I can't afford!

March was an epic month for me, it was one of those months that you just wish never ended. I honestly don't know how my next InstaMonth will live up to this one, but I promise I'll try! 

So why was March so good? Well, I traveled to Jerusalem, spent my 27th birthday upon the Haram as-Sharef (Temple Mount) between Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock. Then I crossed the apartheid wall and visited Bethlehem and Hebron in the West Bank. The highlight of the month was definitely spending time with Palestinians, it opened up my eyes to reality on the ground and the sheer injustice of the situation. This is something that will live with me forever.

For those of you interested in more photos and a brief explanation on my visit, click HERE

Reality bites though, so it's back down to earth for April. Still, I have an exciting project coming up... All will be revealed ;)

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