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Incident at De Witt's Drift...

Jon and I played a most enjoyable Anglo Zulu War game this afternoon, using my own "Washing the Spears!" rules. Jon took the Imperial forces while I handled the auto generated Zulus' fighting and skirmishing capabilities. The Imperial force had to escort a supply column across the river at De Witt's Drift and on to De Witt's Mission Station, which was garrisoned by elements of the 24th. The escort consisted of Van Whytt's Boers and the 13th and 80th Regiments. They were accompanied by a Reporter for the Cape newspapers.
Even before the column had reached the Drift or properly deployed   they were ambushed by a Zulu force. Surprised by their electrifying appearance, the 13th didn't manage to get off a volley and a fierce hand to hand fight ensued. Supported by Van Whytt's Boers, and despite some losses, the 13th drove off the first Zulu attack.

The Imperial force reorganised after the brisk but bloody skirmish and pressed on towards De Witt's Drift.

Scouting ahead of the main force, the Boers flush out some Zulus armed with rifles of questionable provenence.

The 80th Regiment moves up to support the skirmishing Boers and soon the Zulus are no more...

Moving forward with determination the 80th and Van Whytt's Boers clear the river at De Witt's Drift and have the Mission Station in their sights, but...

More Zulus are revealed, partially concealed in tall grasses...

As the 80th get off a sharp volley, the Zulus move with difficulty through the tall grass, while the 13th and the Boers get into possition to give         covering fire..
Despite some losses the Zulus pass their 'Pluck Test' and close with the Imperial Force. A fierce and prolonged combat develops, but the weight of numbers finally tells and the Zulus break...
Van Whytt's Boers gallop ahead to let the garrison know that the much needed supplys will make it through this time.

The table at the conclusion of turn 13. The last of the Zulus are disappearing rapidly while the Imperial Forces cover the safe delivery of the Supply  wagons. All in all a most satisfying way to pass an afternoon...

The figures are all from Empress Minatures' 28mm Anglo Zulu War range, with the noted exception of the Dixon oxen and the Boer wagons, one by Redoubt and one by Foundry. The game lasted two hours or thereabouts. De Witt's Mission Station is by Front Line, the trees by Last Valley and the mealie bag barricades by Hovells. The tents are from Rendera and the tall grass is an aquarium product from the local garden centre!

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