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The Crumpet's Daughter's Birthday

Today, over at FB Adventures in Stamping, we did mani's to celebrate The Crumpet's daughter's 9th birthday....this is what I came up with.

Started with a base of OPI If You Moust You Moust from the OPI Vintage Minnie Mouse collex.  I almost passed on this polish because I thought it seems similar to other pink cremes I already have in my stash....but I couldn't resist!  The pix below was taken outside in overcast skies; it is slightly brighter than this IRL.  This is two coats, no topcoat.

Added a layer of Deborah Lippmann Sweet Dreams.  One coat, no topcoat.  While this may seem uneven and bumpy from the pix/angle, its smooth as glass and so much more beautiful IRL!  I want to add Sweet Dreams to every pink polish! 

Another view.  This pix was indoors at a window; the one above was outside in overcast skies.  The weather was just terrible while I was away for the weekend; I have no great lighting source when I'm not at home other than whatever Mother Nature provides!

Stamped!  I didn't take a pix of this but used fauxnad XL K light pink Konad stamping polish and stamped confetti on the thumb and stars on the middle finger.  Some of this shows up slightly in the pix; just added for some layering interest.  Used Konad white stamping polish for main stampings, using fauxnad XL K (balloons and happy birthday cake), SdP 62 (girl), SdP 66 (comb and perfume), SdP 77 (flowers on middle finger and scattered elsewhere), SdP 32 (present and star), SdP 67 (bow), SdP 71 (castle and butterfly), SdP 65 (sunflower) and Sdp 57 (starfish and shell). 

Added a few yellow dots for flower centres and a few other random dots scattered using yellow Sally Hansen Instadri.

Topped with SV.

SdP's can be bought here and I got the fauxnad XL K plate here!

I hope the lil Crumpett enjoyed all the mani's in her honour...it was a lot of fun putting it together!!

Hope you had a great weekend and thanks for looking!

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