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Watermelon Nail Art

Hey Guys!
It's Sunday! meaning another nail art post for you guys... like what i said last week i'll be trying to make this as a regular once a week topic.. Moving on to the nail art, what i got for you guys today is another simple yet very cute design.. let me show you guys my watermelon nail art...
What do you think?

And here's the stuff that i used for this nail art..
Nature Republic Color Waltz PK 207 (pink polish), Caress Watermelon Frost (dark green polish), Rimmel London 080Black Cab (black polish), and dotting tool. These are just the stuff available in my stash, you can use any other brand of polish if you want to.

Let's start! first, paint all the nails a watermelon pink, or whatever shade of pink or red that you like to use. 
On my nails are two thin coats of Nature Republic PK207..

Next step, create a french tip using the dark green polish, this will be the watermelon rind.
I used caress watermelon frost for this step.. If you are not good at doing free handed french tips, you can always use tape, just make sure that the first layer of polish is dry.

And finally using the black polish and the dotting tool, apply random dots on the pink area, this will be the watermelon seeds.
Let all of the layers dry, then apply top coat to protect the design from chipping. :)

More pics for you guys..

You can also create something like this, to make it look like more of watermelon slices..
And that's it for today!
Hope you guys liked it!

What do you think about today's post? You can always tell me thru your comments.

Till next time!


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