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Slow Food Market and Brunch

SLOW Food Market Rosewood (9)

Since moving to London 18 months ago I discovered the concept of the farmers market. A place where not just farmers, but bakers and home makers sell their home grown, made or reared goods. A place for fresh ingredients, clean food and no mass market superstores.

London on the whole is amazing for markets, but sadly not so good in a) central London, and b) on a Sunday surprisingly (I'm looking at your Borough).

So step forward the Slow Food & Living Market in the courtyard of the Rosewood London. A weekly Sunday farmers market in Holborn.

SLOW Food Market Rosewood (10)

It's only been around for 2 weeks and yet it was alive and buzzing. If you are a foodie, or a lover of good honest food, then this is the new place to be.

You can pick up bread, cheese, meat, wine, beer, cakes, veg, oh just about everything.

SLOW Food Market Rosewood (8)
SLOW Food Market Rosewood (11)
SLOW Food Market Rosewood (13)

The Rosewood London is fast becoming one of my favorite hotels in London. Their Spa is fabulous, they do one of the best cabarets I've seen, and now they have opened up their courtyard to a whole host of gorgeous sellers.

SLOW Food Market Rosewood (14)
SLOW Food Market Rosewood (15)

My favorite stall currently is the bread and cakes. I had a nibble of a their brownies and was hooked. 2 please!

SLOW Food Market Rosewood (7)
SLOW Food Market Rosewood (16)
SLOW Food Market Rosewood (3)

Never one to miss a foodie adventure, Ella from The Little Brown Book came with me to sample our way round.

SLOW Food Market Rosewood (6)
SLOW Food Market Rosewood (1)
SLOW Food Market Rosewood (12)
SLOW Food Market Rosewood (4)

It was the cheese stalls that caught Ella's eye though.

SLOW Food Market Rosewood (5)

I could have eaten a whole meal just nibbling on everything and stocking up for lunch- but don't.

Yes, stock up for the week, but for Sundays, it's all about the brunch.

"But the farmers market food is just too good" -  I know, I know it is.

So I have the solution.

Step inside the hotel with me...

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (4)

First passing the cutest (real) birds by the way

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (5)

And into The Mirror Room.

A striking room, the Mirror Room is refined, glamorous and elegant dining at its best.

It is almost like a jewel box, with mirrors lining the walls and ceiling; it is breathtaking.

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (15)
The Mirror Room Rosewood London (3)

See The Mirror Room have done something rather wonderful and frankly genius and I was lucky enough to be invited to taste the magic.

They are serving a weekly Sunday brunch in conjunction with the Slow Food & Living Market outside. The New Executive Chef, Amandine Chaignot, uses that particular weeks ingredients from the Market that the sellers have brought that week and puts together the most wonderful mix of cooked and fresh food counters. 

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (7)
The Mirror Room Rosewood London (8)
The Mirror Room Rosewood London (6)

This also includes the drinks, with the best coming from a dedicated Bloody Mary station, using the tomatoes that I showed you before.

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (23)

The brunch is an exciting buffet counter style, help yourself, pick and choose, and yes, before you ask, you can have as much as you like.

So like excited children, me and Ella were off ready and hungry for our first plate.

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (9)

We started with the fresh fish and meats counter.

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (20)The Mirror Room Rosewood London (21)

As we were discovering divine smoked salmon, we also discovered this rather adorable contraption. We did get a bit obsessed over it.

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (10)

Then there was cheese. Oh so much cheese, and chutney, and grapes...

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (16)

And bead and pastries too!

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (17)

I was in utter heaven. The hardest decision is which to choose... but then you remember, you don't have too. You can have it all!

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (22)

Finally we sat down with a plate of cheese, bread, salmon and a board of meat.

The scariest part is taking that first bite. What if after falling in love it didn't live up to your expectations?

Well thank the Lord, this did and more. Honestly, the market sellers here are truly talented. The breads, oh the breads were heaven, and that salmon, just perfect.

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (12)

After leisurely eating, chatting and drinking, it was on to round two.

As we as cold food, there is a hot  food counter. They will cook eggs any way you wish, make you sausages, bacon and roast tomatoes.

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (11)

But even better? Pancakes!

Maple syrup, strawberries and cream, and even nutella.

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (25)

Finally, and yes I am talking round three, there are the desserts. Make sure you save room for these sweet treats.

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (14)
The Mirror Room Rosewood London (13)

A chocolate fountain! Yes, my childish excitement had grown to new heights by now.

Brownies, tarts, cookies, all mad by the market sellers outside.

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (18)The Mirror Room Rosewood London (19)

I thought I was already in love (aww... soppy) but this place seriously stole my heart. I mean come on, who doesn't swoon at a chocolate fountain for brunch?

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (26)

Oh and if this place couldn't get any better, the bathrooms of all places are to die for. Cue lots of (unpublished) silly selfies.

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (1)

Err, hello STUNNER!?!

The Mirror Room Rosewood London (2)

Back in the salon, they also serve endless fresh juices and fresh ground coffee too, which was just what was needed after a very long, very large brunch.

I never wanted to leave. The Slow Market Brunch at The Mirror room is just simply... wow. I'm writing this was a genuine grin on my face as I think about the delicious, special and frankly magical brunch. How many brunches make you go "wow" as you explore the different food counters? Make you giggle with glee as you dip strawberries into the fountain? Or make you swoon as you leave with a gorgeous rose plant?

Not many I can tell you. I've eaten more than my fair share of brunches in my time in London, but this- and this is quite a moment- I believe is the best I've had. 

Gauntlet down! Best Brunch I've Had.

Slow Food & Living Market is on 10:30am - 3pm Sundays
The Mirror Room Brunch 12pm-3pm Sundays

252 High Holborn,

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