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Love Island USA: One couple gets sent home and the islanders have to care for screaming baby dolls

Thursday night's episode ended with a shocking cliff hanger as host Arielle singled out the two least-popular couples.

Yamen and Weston, both of whom were on Love Island from the beginning, were in danger of going home with Aissata and Emily, respectively. 

On Friday, Yamen and Aissata get the boot in a teary opening scene.

Going home: Friday's episode of Love Island USA opened with a dramatic showdown between Weston and Emily and Yamen and Aissata. The latter couple were voted off the island

Going home: Friday's episode of Love Island USA opened with a dramatic showdown between Weston and Emily and Yamen and Aissata. The latter couple were voted off the island

Using agonizingly long pauses in her sentences, Arielle announces that it's the end of the road for Yamen and Aissata.

But unlike previous departures, there aren't as many devastated faces, and Yamen seems like he has accepted his fate.  

'Please don't start crying, 'cause I am trying not to cry,' he warns his friends as they get up and start hugging him.

'I feel like I've grown as a human. I've definitely met some people I've connected deeply with,' he says.

Breaking down: 'I didn't want to see Yamen leave. I felt like me and him had such a great friendship and bond,' says Elizabeth in the confessional

Breaking down: 'I didn't want to see Yamen leave. I felt like me and him had such a great friendship and bond,' says Elizabeth in the confessional

After Arielle wonders whether they'll try to keep their relationship going on the outside, Yamen says, 'We're going to be taking some nice chocolate pics,' while Aissata let out a loud 'Meow!'

But as soon as Arielle gives them the exiting couple the warning to pack up in 30 minutes, Elizabeth breaks down in tears.

'I didn't want to see Yamen leave. I felt like me and him had such a great friendship and bond,' she says in the confessional.

'I've been here since the beginning — you should be tired of my a**,' Yamen jokes back at the fire pit.

Greener pastures: After Arielle wonders whether they'll try to keep their relationship going on the outside, Yamen says, 'We're going to be taking some nice chocolate pics'

Greener pastures: After Arielle wonders whether they'll try to keep their relationship going on the outside, Yamen says, 'We're going to be taking some nice chocolate pics'

Time's up: 'I've been here since the beginning — you should be tired of my a**,' Yamen jokes back at the fire pit

Time's up: 'I've been here since the beginning — you should be tired of my a**,' Yamen jokes back at the fire pit

The islanders may have kept their emotions more under control because the show is cruising into its final week.

But things get tense again as some of the women on the island want to smooth out their relationships with Weston.

Elizabeth is cuddling with Zac by the fire pit, but she calls Weston over and has him sit on her other side so they can all talk.

'I wish you made some of those decisions differently since so many people look up to you,' she tells him.

Open communication: Weston is upset that the women who had problems with him told that to Emily rather than approaching him directly

Open communication: Weston is upset that the women who had problems with him told that to Emily rather than approaching him directly

Raunchy: We see multiple couples kissing and embracing under the sheets, and one guy even appears to get up to mount someone in the background

Raunchy: We see multiple couples kissing and embracing under the sheets, and one guy even appears to get up to mount someone in the background

But Weston wishes those who had a beef with him would have talked to him in person instead of telling that to Emily.

'I still don't think he understands what he did,' Kyra tells Caro elsewhere.

But everyone is able to let it be for the night as the show launches into some steamy night vision photography.

We see multiple couples kissing and embracing under the sheets, and one guy even appears to get up to mount someone in the background.

With the threat of elimination temporarily taken care of, the islanders are introduced to their newest task in the least pleasant way possible.

Rough morning: After the elimination drama, the couples were awoken by a bevy of screaming baby dolls

Rough morning: After the elimination drama, the couples were awoken by a bevy of screaming baby dolls

They're all awoken from their slumbers by the piercing wail of a baby.

'Sounds like a mule,' says a sleepy Zac.

Outside the sleeping quarters are a row of realistic baby dolls in baskets. The dolls cry just like a baby, and in order to keep them happy the couples will need to regularly feed them, change their diapers and keep them comfortable.

They'll earn points for caring for the babies, but lose points for poor parenting choices.

Barnyard sounds: 'Sounds like a mule,' says a sleepy Zac, who may or may not have ever spent time on a farm

Barnyard sounds: 'Sounds like a mule,' says a sleepy Zac, who may or may not have ever spent time on a farm

Parenting skills: Outside are a row of baby dolls in baskets. The dolls cry constantly, and in order to keep them happy the couples need to regularly feed them, change their diapers and keep them comfortable

Parenting skills: Outside are a row of baby dolls in baskets. The dolls cry constantly, and in order to keep them happy the couples need to regularly feed them, change their diapers and keep them comfortable

'I'm really excited, I always wanted to have a baby and now I have one!' gushes Caro as the guys take charge.

The couple then get to name their babies and pick out clothing.

Kyra makes sure to avoid pink for her daughter in favor of something gender neutral.

They pick names with special meaning to them, though Weston originally lobbied for 'Bruce Wayne' for his 'son.'

The couples also chatted about their parenting plans, and almost everyone seemed to want at least two kids, with Zac wanting the most at four children. 

Fooling around: Zac is maybe the most inept parent, but Alexandra seems disinterested and Dylan can be reckless with their 'child'

Fooling around: Zac is maybe the most inept parent, but Alexandra seems disinterested and Dylan can be reckless with their 'child'

It's clear from the start that Zac has some troubles with his baby, and Dylan can also be reckless with his.

After feeding the baby, Elizabeth orders Zac to burp it as it's 'his turn.'

But he has no idea how to do that and just ends up shaking the baby in his arms.

Meanwhile, it starts pouring, and Dylan runs in the rain and pushes his baby in the stroller at dangerous speeds.

The show tries to paint Alexandra as an absent mother by focusing on times she left Dylan to care for the baby.

But she also thinks it's hilarious how seriously Dylan takes his duties.

Her choice: Kyra brags that Jered was as happy as her that they got a girl and that he deferred to all her preferences about the baby

Her choice: Kyra brags that Jered was as happy as her that they got a girl and that he deferred to all her preferences about the baby

Staying fit: Dylan got in a workout while bring the baby along

Staying fit: Dylan got in a workout while bring the baby along

The new tots are a source of friction for some of the couples.

While trying to care for her baby, Emily loudly tells Weston to help her, but she asks her not to yell at him with what he thinks are confusing demands.

'I can't read your mind, girl,' he adds.

But she and the other women don't need to worry about the babies for much longer, as they get a text.

'Girls, it's time to have a well-earned break while the boys stay home with the babies,' reads the text, accompanied by '#daddydaycare.'

As they're getting ready, the consensus seems to be that Zac isn't doing well, though Alex defends him.

Kyra brags that Jered was as happy as her that they got a girl and that he deferred to all her preferences about the baby.

Naturally, that leads the others into asking how she feels about her new partner.

'He's... a great friend,' she says, though we don't get to see Jered being treated for that third-degree burn.

Curious: After Kyra compliments Jered, the other girls ask how she feels about him

Curious: After Kyra compliments Jered, the other girls ask how she feels about him

Ouch: 'He's... a great friend,' she says, though we don't get to see Jered being treated for that third-degree burn

Ouch: 'He's... a great friend,' she says, though we don't get to see Jered being treated for that third-degree burn

Once the ladies have primped and departed, Dylan talks the men into having a 'dadcathalon,' in which they have to dress their naked babies as fast as possible, then race with them in strollers.

They're all game, though the babies aren't enthused. They scream as their 'dads' race down the lawn, and Zac even drops his baby on its head at one point.

Meanwhile, the women are escorted to a local bar where fruity cocktails are already waiting for them.

Once they return after a few drinks, the guy play off their dadcathalon as more innocent than it really was, though Elizabeth still discovers the scuff marks from where her baby's head collided with the floor.

Keeping amused: Once the ladies have primped and departed, Dylan talks the men into having a 'dadcathalon,' featuring competitions to dress the babies and stroller races

Keeping amused: Once the ladies have primped and departed, Dylan talks the men into having a 'dadcathalon,' featuring competitions to dress the babies and stroller races

Not enjoying it: They're all game, though the babies aren't enthused. They scream as their 'dads' race down the lawn, and Zac even drops his baby on its head at one point

Not enjoying it: They're all game, though the babies aren't enthused. They scream as their 'dads' race down the lawn, and Zac even drops his baby on its head at one point

But Caro has a better experience as she and Ray debrief afterward. He talks about how optimistic he is about being a parent and how much his own family was key in his development.

The responsible talk warms Caro's heart, and it doesn't hurt when he says they would have a good-looking baby because they're both beautiful people.

The chat is fitting, because shortly afterward the group gets a text naming them as the most responsible parents.

West and Emily and Zac and Elizabeth are labeled as parenting failures, and the rest of the islanders pass the test, though like almost every other Love Island competition there are no stakes and no rewards.

But since over half of the couples passed, the islanders are awarded with a party.

The evening puts Caro in a great mood and makes her feelings about Ray clearer.

Winner winner chicken dinner: Ray and Caro are named the most responsible parents, and because more than half the couples passed, they get to have a party that night

Winner winner chicken dinner: Ray and Caro are named the most responsible parents, and because more than half the couples passed, they get to have a party that night

The right stuff: Ray talks later about how optimistic he is about being a parent, which warms Caro's heart

The right stuff: Ray talks later about how optimistic he is about being a parent, which warms Caro's heart

'Things between me and Ray are so magical,' she says. 'I never expected this.'

Elsewhere, Ray is feeling the same magic. He tells the other guys that he wants to make a relationship with her work on the outside, even though he lives in New Jersey and she lives in Los Angeles.

Meanwhile, Kyra confessed to friends that she connected with the departed Cash more than anyone else, and that's why she keeps the necklace he gave her.

She says she'll call him up as soon as she leaves the island, and the fact that he only lives 20 minutes away doesn't hurt.

Her confession prompts cheers from the other women.

Once the party gets in motion, the islanders have to do some raunchy party games.

In one, the men get balloons pasted on their derrieres and the women have to grind up against them to pop the balloons.

Pop! The islanders get a party featuring raunchy party games, like this one where the women have to grind up against the men to pop the balloons on their derrieres

Pop! The islanders get a party featuring raunchy party games, like this one where the women have to grind up against the men to pop the balloons on their derrieres

Surprise talent: 'Finally my boobs are a great investment for something,' jokes Caro after she's able to carry a pear to the bowl in between her cleavage in a hands-free game

Surprise talent: 'Finally my boobs are a great investment for something,' jokes Caro after she's able to carry a pear to the bowl in between her cleavage in a hands-free game

In the mood: Jered looks ready for a raunchy night of partying, even though they know one more couple will be sent home later that night

In the mood: Jered looks ready for a raunchy night of partying, even though they know one more couple will be sent home later that night

Another game requires them to move fruit over to a bowl without touching them with their hands.

'Finally my boobs are a great investment for something,' jokes Caro after she's able to carry a pear to the bowl in between her cleavage.

But after things calm down, Weston pulls Kyra aside for a chat on the balcony.

They're cordial at first, but he makes it clear that he was hurt that Kyra talked to Emily about problems she had with him, instead of speaking to him directly.

She's adamant that she thought he behaved badly by not telling Emily that he had told her he was interested in her.

Heart-to-heart: Weston pulls aside Kyra for a chat about her telling Emily that he had confessed his feelings for her

Heart-to-heart: Weston pulls aside Kyra for a chat about her telling Emily that he had confessed his feelings for her

In the same boat: He's hurt that she didn't talk to him first, especially since they both said they had feelings and didn't want to act on them

In the same boat: He's hurt that she didn't talk to him first, especially since they both said they had feelings and didn't want to act on them

But Weston thinks that should have stayed between them, because both admitted to having feelings, but he and Kyra had agreed that they weren't going to pursue them at the time.

The conversation seems to be cathartic, and they reach a detente at the end, before they share a big hug and say they love each other.

The euphoric mood on the island is ruined, though, as they get another text.

'Tonight is the last night in the villa for one couple,' it reads.

Weston muses aloud that he and Emily are probably in the hot seat, but since there's nothing anyone can do at this point, they all decide to dance and drink the night away.

Love Island returns Monday, August 5 at 8 p.m. ET on CBS, when one more couple will go home, leaving only four pairs remaining.

Hot seat: Weston worries he and Emily are in danger of being voted off

Hot seat: Weston worries he and Emily are in danger of being voted off

Daily Mail UK

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